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The Self-Exploring Human - A 30 Days Experiment

  • 60 Schritte
Jeder, der alle Schritte abgeschließt, erhält am Ende des Programms ein Abzeichen.


Get to know yourself better by answering honestly the right questions, experiment with new thought patterns and explore some new rituals to let go, transform, envision, and connect to yourself. Your time investment per day: 5-30 minutes. There will be also some bonus online yin yoga classes, meditations, music playlists, podcasts I love that might help you through the reflexion process. The idea is to change the way you approach life and also your daily mechanical to do lists. How can everything be holy? How can you hold space for yourself when you feel sad and angry? How can you start creating clearer boundaries and have the courage to do unusual things despite everyone having another opinion. A life lived. A life felt. A life tasted. A life savored. It’s not about being just superficially happy. It’s about making more of each day. Not do more. Feel more, experience more, satisfy yourSelf more. And also see the opportunities - when it’s easy and challenging. A way of approaching life differently. It’s an experiment - if you feel called to join, register here. Releasing the old stories about yourself, life, and how things should be. Instead of becoming curious about your life, thoughts, ideas, ideologies, visions, actions and intentions. In these 30 days of self-study, you study the Self - yourSelf. It's an experiment. It requires openness, some discipline, honesty, curiosity and compassion.

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Einmalige Zahlung
80,00 CHF
2 Pakete verfügbar
ab 13,00 CHF/Monat


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