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Complaint Detox: From Complaints to Gratitude in 7 Days to Live a More Positive and Uplifted Life

  • 7 jours
  • 7 étapes
Obtenez un certificat en complétant le programme.
Les participants ayant complété au moins une étape recevront un badge à la fin du programme.
From Complaints to Gratitude in 7 Days to Live a More Positive and Uplifted Life

À propos

From Complaints to Gratitude in 7 Days to Live a More Positive and Uplifted Life Done looking at life through the lens of negativity and complaining? Let's shift our mindset and heartset in 7 days towards a more positive and grateful lens. Each day you will receive a simple ritual that will require 5 minutes or less and will be something to practice through the day. If you can't make time for it in the morning, just use the lunch break for it and then practice the ritual for the next 24 hours through the day. Allow your life to change to a more positive and grateful self in only 7 days through simple rituals and mindfulness. Equipment required: Journal, pen, 5 minutes max. each day

Vous pouvez également rejoindre ce programme via l'appli mobile. Aller sur l'appli





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